Wednesday, April 26, 2006

creative brick wall

I've hit a brick wall, creatively speaking. I'm suppose to be working on this traveling artist journal that will be passed to 8 other women that will contribute to it over the next 9 months. I just have no idea where to start. I feel this internal artist pressure to be inspired, to make something that every one will 'get' and be taken aback with when they see it for the first time. My internal critic is already judging before I've even started creating. I really want this project to be one of freedom, not of obligation or torment. I'm hoping that God will inspire me, that what ever I begin creating might bring a little bit of freedom to the other women it is passed along to. The thing I am most excited about is in 9 months getting this journal back and seeing the beauty of it not because of a brilliant theme/initial idea, but because it was added to by other minds, hands and hearts. Even after writing this little blog-blurb I feel slightly more inspired, the wall might be coming down.


The Bearded said...

Might the wall coming down be the artistic project you've been searching for?

Anonymous said...

I felt kind of the same way with my book about a week ago. I had a few ideas about what I thought my book might look like. But, as I finished it tonight, I realized that it had taken on a completely new form. I love the unexpected turns a piece can take. Think of all the unexpected turns your book will hold after 9 months! I can't wait to be a part of it.

Blythe Lane said...

What a cool idea. I can't wait to hear more about what you create and would love to see the finished product. Is there any way you would share it with us when you're done?