Friday, December 14, 2007

Thoughts on the ice storm

As most of you know, the icy conditions are affecting this entire community. It has been really interesting to see how different people respond. Many people who are still without electricity are staying in their cold homes just waiting for the electricity to come on. Others have found warm places to hang out and even people's homes to stay in. I was just longing to take people in, feed them, let them watch movies and sip hot drinks. We finally have a house guest, who after 3 days with out heat, decided to come stay with us. I think this is such a wonderful time for people to reach out to one another. I wonder if receiving is so foreign to some people that all of us that are trying to give just end up feeling disappointed when people just want to figure it out on their own. These are just a few of my thoughts these days, ramblings really. I'll be posting some pictures soon.

1 comment:

The Bearded said...

Speaking of giving...if you and Brent would like to come over to my place and camp out, you are more than welcome to! It really is a lot of fun!

(ps--thanks for the hospitality! It has been most appreciated...especially breakfast)