Here were the invitations:
A girl version and a boy version. For the envelopes I traced an outline of Mickey and put the name and address inside. I didn't get a picture of those.
Here is a picture of the party table. Food was Cupcakes, Strawberries, Carrot Chips, Cheese, Hummus, Crackers, and Cocoa Rice Crispy treats cut out with a Mickey Mouse cookie cutter.
Cupcakes from Sam's toppers made by me. I designed circles for invites, cupcakes, etc...
Best $13.00 I have spent. They did a great job, people loved them and I got to decorate.
Ruffled Streamers. So easy. Tutorial here.
Party favors: Balls from Dollar Tree.
My favorite, the centerpiece. Easy! Got the idea here, put my own spin on it.

Here are some of my other favorite pictures from the party. It was a whirlwind with mostly little boys under 6 as guests. Chloe had a great time and we loved having people in our home.
I like this picture. My mom, sister, her youngest and Chloe and I.
Getting some help opening presents
Love this shot of my neighbor and good friend Amber and her little D. Chloe called Amber, Mommy this week:) We spend a lot of time together.
A Birthday kiss from her Best Friend, A.
Happy Birthday C! Put your dress down:)

Here is a picture of the party table. Food was Cupcakes, Strawberries, Carrot Chips, Cheese, Hummus, Crackers, and Cocoa Rice Crispy treats cut out with a Mickey Mouse cookie cutter.
Best $13.00 I have spent. They did a great job, people loved them and I got to decorate.
Here are some of my other favorite pictures from the party. It was a whirlwind with mostly little boys under 6 as guests. Chloe had a great time and we loved having people in our home.
I loved this post! You are so creative and I think your parties are amazing...and you did the ruffled streamers! Soo cute! Love you!
So Sweet & it looked like a BLAST! And I cracked up at your "put your dress down comment" I feel like I say that to a certain little girl several times a day! LOL
Happy Birthday Sweet Chloe!
so so so so cute!!!!!
I love the centerpiece! so cute!
You did awesome!! I loved seeing the pictures of Chloe and Aiden. So cute!
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