The past 2 weeks have been full of change and sweetness here in our home. Phoebe Marie was born on July 5th and is just a blessing to have around. She is a very good baby, cries very little, sleeps a lot (though not always at night) and seems to be pretty laid back. Her big sister, is having some trouble adjusting and we have seen a lot of resistance to discipline and don't have the energy that we want/need to deal with it all the time. I have seen such a difference in this delivery. I am sane. I mean I can think straight, I can function, I can walk. I am glad that we went ahead with a scheduled c-section and actually felt really good later that day. I think the strangest thing was being so aware of everything they were doing with the c-section (last time it all happened pretty fast). The only real downer was that I had to wear these compression boots for almost 24 hours after the procedure and the epidural they kept in over night too. It was nice to just rest and feed the baby though. Here are a bunch of pictures of the last 2 weeks. I think she and her sister looks similar, but there are differences like less chubby cheeks and face shape (Phoebe has her dad's I think). The only real hiccup at this point is that my little one has a tiny mouth and although is latching just fine, it doing quite a bit of damage to her mama. We are consulting experts and getting all the help we need. It is just a matter of what I can handle and time. Just taking this one day at a time. We are tired, thankful and need prayers of patience as we juggle our littlesweet Phoebe and our spirited big girl, Chloe.
She is precious Jenni! I would love to chat soon. I'll give you a call sometime this week. Thanks so much for posting the's fun to see what is going on!
Oh Jenni, she is so beautiful! Thank you for posting pictures here. So sorry about the damage done. I still have a permanent scar from Josie. That was awful. She really is adorable and I can't wait to meet here!
Oh, and Phoebe and Chloe will be good friends someday. It will happen. Just remember that. It will happen at some point. Love you!
I've been thinking about you a lot these days...wondering how you are all adjusting. Sounds like a much better transition overall than the first time around. So glad! Bummer about the nursing difficulty. That is painful!!!! It's fun to see your pics...Your girls are beautiful.
Love these pictures, Jenni--what a sweet and beautiful family you have! I miss you so much and hate not being in the same town, so I could pop in and see how everything's going or take Chloe out for a treat... can't wait to visit and hold sweet Phoebe. Love you bunches!
She is so sweet Jenny! I'm so excited for you and will be praying for the pain and after birth sweet difficulties. Though for a great cause sometimes it's just hard:(
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