Sunday, July 01, 2012


I have been feeling very sentimental about these last days before Phoebe will be born. I feel extra sensitive about how Chloe might be feeling and all of the 'lasts' we will do as a family of 3. I have cried many times over the last week as we have been reading books, cuddling, and just doing things the 2 or 3 of us. I feel like this last 3 years I have learned so much as a person, and being Chloe's mom has taught me those things. I know this next phase will bring more growth, and with it challenges. The thing I keep thinking about it how precious these 3 years have been (hard as they might have been at times). I will miss giving my daughter undivided attention, and having both Brent and I working with her at times. I think she will be a great big sister and probably adjust much better than I expect. I may have a harder time with the adjustment, truth be told. This weekend we spent a lot of time doing things as a family that she loves. Today I got out my 'big camera', as I have been loving Instagram, but want to keep up my photography chops. I got some really sweet pictures of Chloe, in her element as a 3 year old.                                                                       

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's very sweet, Jenni. You're both such great parents. I love the name Pheobe so much. I feel like I love her already, too. God bless you this next week. We love you!
