Friday, February 03, 2006

Somewhere over the Rainbow...

This rainbow was in the January sky last week-unbelievable. It was a blessing to see because there has been a lot of turmoil and grief in life recently. The death of a friend whom I made the painting for, was earnestly praying for. I guess I've been feeling a bit disappointed and confused with God's ways. In some ways God has been preparing me for this as I have been meditating and thinking about the mysteriousness of God the last few months. There really is much that is unseen, the pieces of life don't always seem to fit together, or seem fair to me. Still, I'm left with many questions. I'm left with an inner ache. I'm left with the powerful, never changing presence of Christ that is with me, slowly soothing me. This rainbow reminds me of the promises of God. It reminds me of beauty and freedom. It gives me hope.

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